Sunday 3 January 2016

Test Diode and Zener diode using Multimeter

By resistance checking method   Multimeter wires connected across the leads and measure the resistance. In forward bias the resistance... thumbnail 1 summary

By resistance checking method 

 Multimeter wires connected across the leads and measure the resistance. In forward bias the resistance is low and in reverse bias condition resistance is high. If the diode shows almost zero resistance,the diode is shorted and if the resistance is very high, the diode is open.  By diode testing mode  Fix multimeter to diode testing mode.And measure diode drop across it. If it shows 0.3 or 0.5-0.7 in forward bias condition the diode is normal.  

 In the case of zener diode the reading will be same for both forward and reverse bias condition. Because zener diode conducts in both directions.

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